
Posts about life, engineering management, the web industry, and things that I've been up to


Exploring Web Monetization 💸

18 September 2019

It's not often that I hear about an emerging web standard and I find my mind wandering back to it over the next few days, but Web Monetization has done just that. In this post I'll go through what it is, and why I think it's particularly interesting.

Calendar defrags

27 August 2019

Life as a manager means that I go to a lot of meetings. Over time it's very easy for them to get a bit unruly, and for your calendar to start managing you rather than the other way round. Every now and again I've found it's good to take stock, to tip everything out and start again, in the form of a calendar defrag. Here's how I approach it, and a tool you can use if you'd like to join me.

Five months at Monzo

28 April 2019

Since joining Monzo as an engineering manager at the start of December I've experienced a huge amount. In this post I wanted to capture some of what I've been up to, and what I'm looking forward to next.

Semantic calendar emoji

9 February 2019

Since returning to employee status I've been thrown back into having an absolutely stacked calendar. Over the last couple of weeks I've been playing with an emoji-based system to help me work better.

Learning Japanese (part two) 🇯🇵

27 January 2019

This week I received the very happy news that I'd passed my second Japanese exam - the JLPT (日本語能力試験) at level N4. In this post I'll outline my exam experiences and go through the resources I used.

2018 into 2019

3 January 2019

I really enjoy this time of year. Christmas is always a bit of a whirlwind due to numerous individual family gatherings and birthdays, but New Year is always a nice lull. As always I’m using a blog post as a prompt to look both back and ahead.


A new chapter

20 November 2018

I’m so excited to announce that I’m soon going to be starting the next chapter in my professional life. I’m going back to employment, and joining Monzo on their mission to “build a bank with everyone, for everyone”.

A foundation for technical investigations

8 October 2018

A high-level structure for asking people about their technology, with a view of looking at how things are and identifying how they might be.

Thinking about permissions on the web

27 September 2018

A collection of musings on the topic of web permissions, and the kind of questions that we should be asking for the future.

Learning Japanese

24 August 2018

Since the beginning of this year I've been taking my Japanese learning a lot more seriously. Having been asked about it by quite a few people, this post is intended to summarise my journey so far.